We just got the audio recoding from the CRISIS party for you to listen and download (zShare) Unfortunately as you will hear, there is no microphone on the recording - technical issue with how it was hooked up. Sorry about that - next time we'll get it down.
The Passive Resistance are Jonas Ullmann and Tim Steiner from Zurich, Switzerland. This duo is pushing the boundaries of electronic music, creating a form of non-stereotypical sound for the new millennium. In 2007 TPR won M4Music (electronic category), the most prestigious Swiss award for up-and-coming artists, and also released their debut album “Eternal Flame of Global Warming”. In 2008 TPR released Het Inan, a 5 track EP and played at the South American Music Conference in Quito. TPR is planning further releases for 2009 so check back soon. Bookings, pls contact : info@countersound.net
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