Here's a little sample from the Hive last Saturday (7th June)
Here's the audio again : live recording of set at Hive. Many thanks to Grunton and Hive for making this gig happen and thanks to Cecile for shooting this clip!
The Passive Resistance are Jonas Ullmann and Tim Steiner from Zurich, Switzerland. This duo is pushing the boundaries of electronic music, creating a form of non-stereotypical sound for the new millennium. In 2007 TPR won M4Music (electronic category), the most prestigious Swiss award for up-and-coming artists, and also released their debut album “Eternal Flame of Global Warming”. In 2008 TPR released Het Inan, a 5 track EP and played at the South American Music Conference in Quito. TPR is planning further releases for 2009 so check back soon. Bookings, pls contact :